China in My Eyes

50 years of continued friendship

December 30, 2020
by Colin Mackerras
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Our ignorance of China is a disgrace

Our ignorance of China is a disgrace By COLIN MACKERRAS It’s a disgrace that after half a century or so of multiculturalism, it is still possible that Australian Chinese can be made to feel disloyal merely on the basis of … Continue reading

December 26, 2020
by Colin Mackerras
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China is not an enemy

China is Not an Enemy Colin Mackerras 21 June 2020 The downward spiral of Australia-China relations is getting near a tipping point towards a Cold War and must be stopped. Such a Cold War cannot help anybody and, in the … Continue reading

December 26, 2020
by Colin Mackerras


Subject: BAD RELATIONS WITH CHINA ARE NOT IN AUSTRALIA’S INTERESTS (COLIN MACKERRAS, Professor Emeritus) Our leaders tell us continually that they will stand up to China on behalf of Australia’s interests. But I cannot see how the deteriorating relations with … Continue reading

April 5, 2019
by Colin Mackerras

My Childhood

Below is an article commenting  on my childhood.  It demonstrates the kind of family where I grew up. It was a highly cultured and educated family, but had no interest in China. Yet, it did encourage me to learn about … Continue reading

March 6, 2015
by Chinainmyeyes
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Colin and Alyce Mackerras

by Veronica Mackerras

My parents Colin and Alyce Mackerras, who lived in Beijing from 1964 to 1966, were the first Australians to work, live and have a baby in  the People’s Republic of China. In 1964, Australia was ruled by the dogma of White Australia and the fear of communism. Australia refused to recognize the People’s Republic of China and Australian passports had to be specially validated for travel to the Chinese mainland.

My parents went on an incredibly brave journey to China in the 1960s and became the first Australians to form a life long friendship during a time when their country and family said ‘no’.  They both went ahead anyway AND had a baby – very brave. It is incredible the contribution they have both have silently made to Australia–China relations and I hope this web-page might illustrate this life-long friendship.

Colin Mackerras 1962

Colin Mackerras 1962

Alyce Mackerras 1960s

Alyce Mackerras 1963

On Monday 17 November 2014,  Chinese President Xi Jinping gave an address to the Australian Parliament as a major part of his visit to Australia. Towards the beginning of his address, President Xi thanked Colin for his friendship and dedication, drawing applause from those present. This was a very proud moment in Colin’s career.
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Premier Li Keqiang shales Colin Mackerras's hand at the Friendship Award Ceremony. October 1 2014.

Premier Li Keqiang shakes Colin Mackerras’s hand at the Friendship Award Ceremony. 30 September 2014. The “Friendship Award” was established to honour the outstanding contributions foreign experts have contributed in China’s modernisation drive.

Richard Blundell’s portrait of Professor Colin Mackerras was unveiled on Friday 2nd October 2015, in its new home at the Colin Mackerras Room at the Griffith Asia Institute (Nathan Campus, Griffith University).

Richard Blundell’s portrait of Professor Colin Mackerras was unveiled on Friday 2 October 2015, in its new home at the Colin Mackerras Room beside the Griffith Asia Institute (Nathan Campus, Griffith University).

My Childhood

Below is an article commenting  on my childhood.  It demonstrates the kind of family where I grew up. It was a highly cultured and educated family, but had no interest in China. Yet, it did encourage me to learn about China, for which I am eternally grateful.
Colin Mackerras

Australian Childhood Mackerras

March 5, 2015
by Chinainmyeyes
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Three stories from the early days of Alyce’s and Colin’s China experience

How it came about that the Chinese invited Colin and Alyce to go and teach in China could have been indirectly due to Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai (1898-1976). In December 1963 and January 1964, he went to Africa, including Algeria, which had … Continue reading